Starting a Business: Legal Implications

You may have heard a lot recently about SEO and online branding. You’re looking for ways to reach a wider online audience and have decided that a blog might be the way to go. You have your topics lined up, you know what information your clients and potential customers are searching for and you’re ready to get started. Great. However, it’s in your best interest to consider legal guidelines and implications prior to starting out. Below are a few to keep in mind.

Cyber Squatting

Perhaps you’ve heard of the term; maybe it’s new to you. Cyber squatting refers to the act of using a domain name – intentionally or unintentionally – that is closely linked to another entity: business, event, product or other brand. If it could be mistaken for something else, or if another, pre-established brand could someday want to use the domain, you cannot take ownership. To avoid this conflict, run a search or work with a qualified business attorney to be sure you are protected.

Watch out for Trademarks

Just like any other business endeavor, you must take steps to ensure that your business is not infringing upon the trademarks of any other business, brand or product. Once again, running a trademark search and working with an attorney prior to launching your company blog is essential.

Beware of Copyrights

It’s a given, but in blogging it can be difficult. It’s easy to gain inspiration from other online sources, or to use information found elsewhere in your company’s blog. But, just like in any other area, your work must be your own. If you use content found elsewhere, verbatim or mirrored formats, you could be accused of copyright infringement. To be safe, do research from multiple sources, cite and link to any sources that are used and make sure the other content you share is solely your own.

Be Careful with Opinions

You are entitled to your opinions. In many cases, your customers may rely on those opinions when making decisions or doing research on a product or service. But, it’s another area where caution should be practiced at all times. When you express comments that relate to other companies or people, especially without supporting facts, you could border on libel. Furthermore, when information could be considered misleading or could direct clients down the wrong path, you could be held responsible according to the law.  Even the old axom that ‘truth is an absolute defense’ has recently been challenged by the courts.  Give some thought before speaking or ‘hitting send.’

Practice Caution – Consult a Professional

Whenever you embark on a new endeavor for your business – whether it is a blog or something else – it’s a good idea to consult an experienced business lawyer, like Attorney Michael Hynum of Hynum Law. We are available to answer questions and to provide guidance to ensure your efforts are legally sound. Set up a consultation today.
